(Pursuant to Putnam County School Board Policy 6.312)

    During classroom instructional time, all cell phones are to be stored in PCSS-approved classroom pocket chart cell phone holders.  However, a teacher may grant permission for the use of these devices to assist with instruction in his/her classroom.  The principal or his/her designee may also grant a student permission to use such a device at his/her discretion. 

    Students will be allowed to use personal cell phones before school, during class changes, and during the student’s lunch break.  These are the only times during the school day that are not considered instructional time.  All other times (including, but not limited to, excuse from class to the restroom or some other destination) are considered instructional time during which all cell phone use is prohibited.

    Unauthorized use or improper storage of a device will result in confiscation until such time as it may be released to the student and/or the student’s parent or guardian.  A student in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action. 

    Students who have phones in class are responsible for having their phones turned off or otherwise silenced so that incoming calls will not interfere with instruction. 

    Students are expected to be in class on time.  Finishing a phone call in the hall is not a justification for tardiness to class and constitutes use of a cell phone during instructional time. 

    The taking of photos or the recording of videos, whether by cell phone or any other device, in places where privacy is a reasonable expectation is strictly prohibited. 

    Using cell phone cameras to record altercations on school grounds or at school events is prohibited. In such cases, phones may be confiscated as evidence.

    The use of cell phones for the purpose of cheating is strictly prohibited. As a means of protecting instructional time and/or providing test security, teachers may elect to collect students’ cell phones during any class and return them at the end of the period. 

    Students may only have one ear covered by an earpiece (earbud, headphone, etc.) during non-instructional time. The use of ANY earpiece during instructional time is prohibited. 

    Students who refuse to turn over a cell phone (including SIM card) will, IN ADDITION TO THE EVENTUAL CONFISCATION OF THE CELL PHONE, be subject to consequences for insubordination as outlined in the Putnam County Schools Student Code of Conduct. 

    If a student has had his cell phone confiscated, bringing another cell phone to school during the period of confiscation will be considered insubordination as outlined in the Putnam County Schools Student Code of Conduct.

    Electronic Devices 

    Recreational devices such as iPODs, MP3s, CD/DVD/tape players, and voice activated tape recorders ARE NOT TO BE SEEN, USED, OR TURNED ON during instructional time. By law, electronic pagers are not allowed on school property at any time without the permission of the principal. (TCA 49-6-4214) PROHIBITED ITEMS WILL BE CONFISCATED and disciplinary action may be taken. Stolen, misplaced or other loss of electronic devices is the responsibility of the student. Laser pointers are not allowed at school or school functions. 

    *Additions to the Dress Code Policy may be found in the CHS Parent / Guardian & Student Handbook


    1st Offense

    2nd Offense

    3rd Offense

    4th Offense


    Teacher contacts the parent about the violation.

    The teacher takes the phone to administration and the offense is documented in PowerSchool.

    Student is able to pick the phone back up at the end of the school day.



    The teacher takes the phone to administration and the offense is documented in PowerSchool.

    The student is assigned to either 1 day of after-school detention or 2 days of lunch detention. 

    Phone is held and given back at the end of the 1 day of after school detention OR phone is held for the day and given back after each of the 2 days of lunch detention.  (It is the responsibility of the student to turn in his/her cell phone to the Main Office upon arrival to school on the second day of their lunch detention.)

    The teacher takes the phone to administration and the offense is documented in PowerSchool. 

    Student serves 1 day of ISS.  The parent is required to pick up the phone after the student has served the day of ISS.



    The teacher takes the phone to administration and the offense is documented in PowerSchool.

    Student serves 3 days of ISS.  The phone is given back after each day of ISS served.  (The phone will be turned in to the ISS teacher each morning.) 

    For the remainder of the year after the 4th offense, the student checks in the phone at the office (Main Office) at or before 8:00 a.m. every school day, and the phone is returned to the student at 3:00 p.m. at the end of every school day.

    CHS Cell Phone Policy PDF